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We're honored and humbled by all of the awards and accolades we've accumulated from designing eco-friendly products with a purpose. With 126 awards over the past 15 years, we've mastered the art and craft of creating sustainable Zero-Waste products.

We love what we do and it shows with each product! 

What's the secret of our success? What makes any product worthy of industry praise and recognition? We always get these 2 questions when lecturing at design schools and colleges. So, we gathered a few notes from past presentations and compressed our 2 hour presentation into the highlights below.

First, we always start by asking one simple question- what's the intended purpose of the product and will it perform and exceed our customer's expectations? As we go through the tedious and time consuming process to review eco-friendly, recycled, up-cyled and alt-cycled materials; we always look for a combination of materials, techniques and processes that will elevate the product to be the absolute best in it's class.

We have never settled for second best, nor should you when you're buying any product!

After hand making a few samples, we'll test it a few hundred times and only when we're completely satisfied that the product has exceeded our internal quality standards, which are unrealistically high, we'll have our friends and family pick-up a few more to test without our hovering presence.

If everything exceeds the rigors of our product development and testing process, we'll make a few small runs and evaluate the final product. We always make each product line as if our business lives depended on its success. We usually make a few more final tweaks before we approve the product for release. 

This process, from start to finish, takes between 1,800 to 2,300 hours. Quality before Quantity is one of our many mantras!

We're different than most companies that develop half baked ideas, rush to market with inferior products and then continue to market and sell their crap without any attention to details, product quality and functionality.

We're so confident in our commitment to our products that everything design and sold by LIONFINCH comes with our legendary Pinky Promise Guarantee.

In short, here's our simple formula that we have used from day one.

Never Stop Innovating + Perfect the Details + Increase the Quality + Lower Costs Without Quality and Exceed Expectations =  A Win for You, A Win for Us and a Win for Our Environment.

This isn't the most profitable way to make a consumer product, but it creates the best product, worthy of your hard earned dollars and word of mouth support, as well as gains a lot of industry praise and recognition.

And at some point, we will achieve the highest award which is more rare than one of those cool glittery unicorns.

We're working hard to win The Golden Banana Award!

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